One of the most delicate issues when facing our working day is footwear. If you have long work shifts(from five hours onwards), in which you must be on your feet, it is better to have the right tools so that these moments do not become distressing and you can face the day to day with the greatest possible comfort.

Footwear suitable for standing work

The improper footwear for an excessive amount of time can cause various diseasesThese range from minor grazes to other more acute ailments that may trigger a future pathology or even the need for surgical intervention to repair the damage, in case it is repairable.

Metatarsalgia, sprains, knee osteoarthritis, ankle sprains, hammertoes, bunions and varicose veins are just some of the most common ailments associated with people who wear uncomfortable shoes during their working hours.

For these reasons, and to take care of your body, it is necessary that you know exactly what are the characteristics of the shoes you need and based on this you can make the decision to purchase the right ones. Here are the following categories of footwear that may be useful if, as mentioned above, you have to work long shifts.

Slip-resistant shoes

This type of footwear is indicated when standing shifts are to be performed on a variety of surfaces and where the worker has to perform a variety of random movements from one side to the other, such as hosteleríaThe floor may often be stained with grease, water or other substances from cooking food, but this is not always the case. In this case, it is always better to have good non-slip footwear to avoid accidents to yourself and others, especially if you are working directly with customers.

Antibacterial footwear

Ideal for healthcare professionals or workers who must be kept in a sanitized space. Now more than ever, it is time to conditioning our spaces to strengthen the fight against covid-19only in this way through the use of a good sanitary footwearIn this way, we can be absolutely sure to keep away pathogens that could be the main cause of disease in the future.

The most comfortable shoes for standing work

There is certainly no ideal shoe that is comfortable for all foot types. However, there are many characteristics shared by various types of footwear that make them pleasant and light to wear. The most important thing is that they have a good insole to support the body; secondly, that they are not heavy or high heeled, and that they do not have elements that may cause discomfort when rubbed, such as metal buckles, details on the insole, among others. Within this category, if we talk about comfortable shoes for workWe cannot forget that if we work in a place where there may be a risk of accidents, we must pay special attention to safety and the use of special boots with coated toes that can better protect us from possible impacts that may injure our feet.

Light work shoes

The major cause of serious diseases caused by the use of inadequate shoes comes from the heaviness of the shoes. In this case, we are talking about bone or neuro-nervous diseases, mostly associated with the effort that the patient has to make. involves carrying the extra weight of unsuitable footwear, as it could affect certain parts of our body and organism such as the knee, nerves, muscles, ligaments and fingers, among others. For this reason, lightweight footwear will always be the best option if you need to be on your feet for long hours.

If you want to take the necessary precautions and acquire the best footwear to comfortably fulfill your work shifts, do not forget that in TPT Calzado laboral we have the best options, buy online and without leaving home!


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